
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Garden Accessory

Garden Accessory Elements
By Sarah Martin

"Truly," says an English writer, "the transformation of a tract of swamp and rock into one of the most beautiful parks in the world is a striking monument of American skill and perseverance."

It is more than that; it is a work of genius. The more it is studied, the more we wonder at the prophetic power of the designers in providing so far in advance for the wants of a city, which only existed at the time in imagination. Imagine for a moment the added beauty a garden statue would offer! Whenever any radical change in this design is proposed, the project should always be examined with reference to its effect on the fundamental character of the work as a whole. It is just as truly a unit in conception as if it consisted of one broad meadow.

There are other elements yet to be considered; but those already classified and assigned to various quarters of the site, contribute directly to the general and characteristic purpose of the park and are therefore to be distinguished as its essential elements. One such element to be considered is a garden waterfall, or outdoor fountain.

After studying the essential artistic elements, especially the poetic elements that mark and emphasize the difference between a playground, a farm, a field, and a park, we find these authors (Olmsted and Vaux) writing in illuminating phrases:

"Accessory elements by which walking, riding, driving, resting, eating, and drinking are facilitated, were also to be required in the design of the park, in so far as they would be instruments necessary to be used to obtain the benefit of its essential elements."

"But if people were allowed to straggle at will any-where upon the ground and if provision were made for their doing so comfortably and with cleanliness, all the ground would need to be specially prepared for the purpose; there would be no turf and no trees upon it, and it would afford no relief from the city."

It will thus be seen that these accessory elements of the park are admissible only where and so far as the advantages they offer make its essential elements available, and compensate for any curtailment their introduction may involve in these essential elements. They are desirable so far as they aid the essential elements in inviting the observer to rest or move forward in one way or another, as shall most conduce to his recreation. They are undesirable in so far as they tend to weaken, divide, blot, or make patchwork of the essential features of the natural landscape.

The first consideration, then, in a truly critical study of the size, form, and place in the park of any required construction for the accommodation of visitors was originally, and always should be, that the degree of display which may be allowed in it should correspond with the importance of the need it is designed to meet. Garden fountains are one such accessory as well as outdoor waterfalls.

Garden Accessories

Garden Accessories
By Debbie Jensen

Garden Accessories can be functional; but most often, they are placed in gardens for their charm and whimsy. From cheap mechanical croaking frogs to expensive gazebos, we just can't get enough of them. For instance, a garden cart can hold a watering can, hand tools, and gloves; or it can be used as a garden end table, or placed in an outdoor setting for visual appeal only.

Garden accessories don't have to be functional. Statues give style to a garden, while fountains and waterfalls create mist and water sounds. Garden structures such as arches and gates create entry ways or exits. Windmills and water wheels add movement. Yet, tables, chairs, and umbrellas are functional and are physically inviting and add comfort.

The beauty about garden accessories is that they don't have to meet the same standards as home decor. What's good about this situation for artists is that artists and designers alike can drop their guard when stylizing and designing for their gardens. If you feel anxious about painting a design on an outdoor piece or putting together a mosaic table top, make it for outdoor use! If your artwork is not exactly as you want it, it’s not as intimidating as long as you know it is going to be outdoors. It seems that outdoor art is a bit more forgiving.

For my garden, I placed a metal watering can inside an outdoor cart. I painted the watering can with white house paint. Then, I painted a horizontal line with green acrylic paint around the watering can. Next, I sprayed the can with a clear coat of matte lacquer and threw sand onto the lacquer before it had a chance to dry. Once again, I repeated the process. Finally, I sprayed a final coat of clear matte lacquer for the finishing touch.

Today, the watering can looks pretty close to how I originally painted it―and it's been outside in approximately the same spot for about four years now with plants growing in it. This may seem unimportant and insignificant to some, but it is a rewarding experience to the person who took the time to add that special, personal touch to a manufactured garden accent. So, don’t be afraid to get creative with your garden accents.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Garden Accents

The Beauty Of Japanese Garden Accents
By Christopher W Smith

Japanese gardens are beautiful spaces that you can retreat to and enjoy a few moments of quiet reflection. Natural elements adorn these gardens. Water, rocks, and live plants all enhance the tranquil atmosphere. Paths of wood or stone take you on your journey through the garden. Japanese garden accents are spaced throughout the area to add a personal touch of the owner.

Many Japanese garden accents are functional as well as beautiful. Stones are used to line paths or as stepping stones. Wood is used for paths and bridges as well. Rocks can be used to build walls, line ponds and create waterfalls. Lights give a romantic feel as well as assisting with night vision. Some other accents aren’t as functional but still supply part of the overall mood.

Some accents double as being both decorative and functional. For instance, garden lights that appear to be stones by day and are illuminated stones by night. Hose lights are another fun way to add light to your garden. These halogen lamps are inside the hose pipe and add sparkle (and for some, color) to the water as it sprays from the hose.

Statues of Buddha are commonly found in Japanese gardens. Statues of dragons, frogs, and other animals are also available. Some are light hearted, playful statues like frog characters posing in human clothing and sitting in human positions. Others are more realistic depictions of animals. There are mythological creatures depicted on some statues as well including dragons and serpents. These do not add color but they do add character to your garden.

Bamboo is another common addition. From accent edging to water spouts and bamboo furniture, this lucky plant has found its home in Japanese gardens. Fences, screens and other bamboo items are available in many different styles.

Bridges are another way to accent your garden. Small streams flow under some of these bridges, others are completely decorative. Bridges can be made of granite or other materials. These symbolize times in our lives that we have to overcome.

Plants of all sorts can be used to accent your garden as well. Bonsai trees are the most common plant to add to a Japanese garden. The bonsai styling of your plants and trees can be quite relaxing in itself. Other additions include phyllostachys, viburnun, and nandina.

Water features are the biggest accent in a Japanese garden. From ponds to waterfalls to streams water plays an integral part in tying the whole Japanese garden theme together.


Garden Fish Pond
By Richard Panten

If you are looking for a garden fish pond, more than likely you are not interested in fancy Japanese gardens or a giant waterfalls. A backyard fish pond can be enjoyed year round by the entire family. Changing with the seasons, a pond is the missing ingredient to the perfect backyard.

The enjoyment of a fish pond can not be measured. Countless people enjoy their ponds in their backyards, only known by a small number of friends. These types of ponds are mainly about the fish, usually goldfish.

Often reproducing as fast as rabbits, goldfish average in size 10-12 inches as an adult. Sometimes complimented by a fountain or waterfall these ponds become a focal point of the landscape.

Now fish ponds can be safe for kids with an average depth of 18 inches. Shallow enough for a child to stand in; garden ponds are the perfect addition to any yard.

Be sure however, when planning for a garden pond not to place in the lowest area as this will cause additional issues. However, try to make it large enough and place it in the sun so that you can explore the new world of aquatic plants.

Backyard fish ponds are outdoor classrooms too. Exploring the world of ponds is inspiring to people of all ages. From tadpoles to frogs, from nymns to dragonflies, ponds are constantly changing. Fish spawning and aquatic plants blooming and becoming dormant are all wonderful tools that can be used to create interest and become teachable moments that will last a lifetime.

Front Yard Garden

5 Front Yard Landscape Tips For An Impressive Garden
By Sean Bailey

Front yard landscaping is an excellent way to boost the appearance of your home. Not only will it add to the value of your property, you also get a fresh look to your home environment and the envies of your neighbors. You can consider hiring a professional landscaper to help you create an impressive front yard if cost is not a problem. However, if you would like to do the landscaping yourself, here are some front yard landscape tips you can use.

1) Perennial plants - These plants can be use to make borders around your garden. They are a great way to define the periphery of your yard. It can make the garden look more organized and neat.

2) Evergreens - These trees are excellent for landscaping. They require low maintenance and beautiful to the eye. You can have a row of neatly trimmed evergreens to form a border around the front yard.

3) Water features - You can add a fountain to create grand entrance or a pond for that calming and tranquil effect. Benched, statues, stones can be added to enhance the theme that you are going for.

4) Lawn - Have a sharp looking and green lawn. Keep the edges of the grass cut and fresh

5) Plants - Select low maintenance plants if you are not an avid gardener and you don't think you will have the time to upkeep the plants all the time. You can choose to use prairie plants and surround them around a main tree. This can be topped up with some beautiful stones.

With some careful planning and effort, it is not that difficult to landscape a beautiful front yard. You will have a sense of achievement and satisfaction enjoying your garden after it is completed.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Front Garden

Front Garden Design Thoughts
By Thomas Baugh

I often find it strange how many people don't put a great deal of effort into their front garden design, despite how much it says about your home. Sure, the back garden is important as it is a place to relax and enjoy your very own piece of outdoor tranquility, but a front garden deserves some care and attention.

Of course a front garden isn't always easy to design, especially if your front drive is sloped or on different levels making it difficult to implement big changes. However, with a bit of creativity you can completely change the way it looks and you'll be surprised how much of a difference it makes to the front of the house.

Before planning your front garden design, think about how much work you're likely to do in the future. After all, there's no point planting all kinds of flowers and a beautiful lawn if you're not going to maintain everything as it will quickly get out of control. If you don't have green fingers, then create a design that reflects this using gravels, paving slabs and pot plants instead of materials that require constant care and attention.

If you're stuck for ideas, a good tip is to look at other front gardens in your street and make a note of the ones you like and why. Soon you'll start to form your own thoughts on the image you want for your front garden and the things you'll need to achieve it.

Like any garden design, do a rough sketch of your plans and make sure everything will work. Consider everything and list possible problems you might encounter. Also think about how the changes you're making to your front garden will affect your next door neighbours, as this is easily overlooked.

French Garden

The Beauty of French Garden Furniture
By Derek Farley

There is perhaps no furniture more beautiful than French garden furniture. The French have exquisite taste when it comes to design, and you would be hard pressed to find other types of furniture that generate the same type of atmosphere. Authentic garden furnishings of this kind are available online, and many upscale stores also carry authentic pieces in other countries as well. They are a great way to add a sophisticated touch without making an overstatement. Most French furnishings will be simple constructions, yet have very intriguing design patterns.

Such garden furniture is a great choice to set a relaxing, outdoor atmosphere. Before purchasing any fittings claiming to be authentic, make sure you check the reputation of the company you are dealing with, whether it be online or offline. There are some businesses out there that will try to pass off Amish furniture (which can also be very beautiful), or something worse like a poorly made cheap imitation as authentic. This is a rarity, but it is always a good idea to check before you decide to make a purchase, it never hurts to be a little cautious. Authentic French fittings may be more expensive than other types, but not overly so.

It may remind you of a cafe somewhere on the country side if you have a full set of French furniture outside. The tables and chairs seem to have a pleasing effect on everyone, many people feel that it makes the area look more romantic, which it does! If you are married this would be a great gift for your significant other, something both of you will enjoy. It can be made out of both wood and metal, and the craftsmanship is usually outstanding. French furnishings lasts a long time before succumbing to the effects of wear and tear, items purchased are usually very sturdy.

One of the down sides of French furnishings is that there usually aren't many options on color. Straight black or white are the most common colors, you can find brown sometimes as well, but you usually do not find anything really bright.

This is ok for most people, but if you are looking for a brighter shade you may have to look around for awhile, or even repaint the furniture. There are, however, many different choices available when it comes to the design pattern. As long as bright colors are not a must for you, there is certainly something you will like when it comes to French garden furniture.

Flower Garden

Flower Garden Design
By Indri Maryani

A lot of people do not spend much time thinking on a flower garden design. The moment the name comes to their mind, they start digging and planting random trees with the hopes that they will flower properly. But this is not true. Things might turn out to be completely different than what you imagined it would be. Like any other garden design, a flower garden design also has to be planned properly so that your garden looks the best. In this article we shall discuss the main steps for a flower garden design.

Site Analysis

This implies inspecting the ground for the kinds of plants that can survive there. You have to inspect your soil to judge its fertility. If there are different spaces in your garden that have shades and light, then you need to see what kind of plants you can put where. After all, beauty is not the only objective of flower garden design. You also need to have healthy plants.

Basic Sketch

It is a good idea to sketch out your flower garden design on a piece of paper. It will help you to have a clearer idea of your garden. You will be able to have a clearer idea of its shape and size, the kind of plants that will be there and the combination of plants that would look good together. For instance, you can put the roses and shrubs together. Vegetables can have a separate arena and there can be a water fountain in the middle. You can even put in a bird feeder.


Different plants need different amounts of space. For instance, roses need a good deal of space. And it is difficult to grow cucumber and pumpkins as their vines might disturb the surrounding plants.

Butterflies and Birds

This is another important quotient you have to keep in mind if you are going to set up a flower garden. Do you want birds and butterflies in your garden? If so, why? Will you get a bird feeder? Butterflies are attracted by certain types of plants. Find out about them. Then you have to locate the place where these plants would look nice. Even that is a job that requires a lot of thought in it.

While these are only some things that are important in a flower garden design, these are not all. There are many other nuances which you will be able to think of once you draw out the basic plan of a flower garden design and work upon it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Container Gardens

Using container gardens
By Daniel Law

The use of containers in the garden literally had spread over the past several years, and it is not surprising. Containers offer a great way to provide seasonal color and interest in the garden, which serves many practical purposes as well. Every year, more designs, colors and materials and uses comes on the scene. New container polymer have a look terra cotta, concrete, stone and even the bronze medal in the faction of the weight and cost, and frequency of these forms of antiquity. Stone mounted containers can become a piece of inheritance, passed down through generations.

Containers are an excellent way to put any plant on the base of the statue. Of geranium red displays a simple plant and plentiful, and can be a star of stage, each station. The containers can be used to display more than just a yearbook, given that many of the landscape trees and shrubs, and durable goods are produced and transported and sold in containers, it is not surprising that it can be grown in planting your favorites. I have used pine, Japanese maple, wisteria in a large container of just the tip of the iceberg. More plantings such as these can be used much like a shrub or tree in the ground.

It might loosen the wall or fill a corner or to provide shade and plants under the canopy. It can also direct your eye to the container from a single point in the garden to another. Through the development of farms near the street curb and one near the front door, and your guests along clearly went to the house.

Of course, the Yearbook is natural in pots and planters. With care, they can provide a color long term. Yearbook few in the pot can go a long way. And one large planter filled with a bouquet of Yearbook able to compete on an equal footing with dozens of flowers in the beds.

The additional advantage of this thinking is that it is very easy to change the Yearbook or live before a party. You can drag the tired plants and replace them with fresher a few plants and you breathe new life into your garden. Or replace the entire plant with a new one. We buy large, hanging basket Yearbook is complete, remove the basket and set the plant in the pot and appears to have been on all summer.

Personally, I do this early in the year so you do not have to wait for the operation of mini-plants for the cultivation of perennial plants and the filling of the herbs and ornamental plants such as red Pennisteum can make an exciting display.

Provides herbs peak traffic, but also in terms of influence in the breeze. You can duplicate the feel of a garden is larger than through a combination of one or two of each station you enjoyed in particular. I have installed farmers using Miscanthus, black-eyed Susan, Autumn Joy Sedum and Coreopsis on the balcony, and simulation of a much larger park in the presentation, which contain a combination of one.

This is a great way to make the garden at hand for you and your guests. Another creative use of containers is a water park. Containers of water and submersible pumps, and the source, can be enjoyed any garden sight and sound to transport water.

I once used the old hand pump and a half whiskey barrel with submersible pumps to circulate water as a focal point for a small garden of the country. Distilled water from the tap in a barrel and recirculated again through hand pumps. So, do not hesitate to experiment with the authors. Cluster pots of various sizes and styles together. Mix shrubs, trees, annuals and even vines together for an exciting mix of colors, textures, shapes and sizes. If it does not work out, empty it and try something else!

